Not long after the creation of the Earth itself, the first two Gaian were formed. The Element of Life sprang forth from the Spiritual Energy created by the first instance of life on the planet. The Element of Death was created similarly, appearing from the Spiritual Energy created by the first instance of death on the planet. Ever since then, no more Life or Death Elements have ever been created, nor will ever be. Both Gaian are completely mute, and have no need for biological functions like eating, sleeping, or breathing. Neither of these two elements have ever been seen by humans or Gaian alike. They are thought of as folklore in the Gaian population.
Life and Death must always remain apart, and must never see one another’s faces. It is said, that if they were ever to catch a glimpse, they would immediately run to be together, unable to be stopped until they touched. Their meeting would result in a powerful Soul Bond, creating the Element of Armageddon, and bring about the End of Time. To keep this from happening, Life and Death are travellers, never remaining in one place for long. The Element of Life must remain on the side of the planet lit by the sun, and the Element of Death on the side overlooked only by the moon.
It is said that when a Gaian dies, the Element of Death will visit during the night, to guide their Spiritual Energy back into the Earth. The Element of Life will follow in the morning, to transform the buried Gaian Stone into a seed, which then results in the sprouting of a flower.