Wondering what some of the words or terms used around here mean?
This Gaian Dictionary will help you out!

This is a compilation of all the made-up or lore-specific words and terms that you might want to know. Use the sidebar on the left to find a specific word or term, or just scroll to peruse. Everything is listed in alphabetical order.

Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above.

      (also "Harmoniously Balanced")
Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above.

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✦ GAIAN (SPIRIT) ("Guy-anne", plural "Gaian")
Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above.

✦ GAIAN STONE ("Guy-anne" Stone)
Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above.

✦ GAIASH ("Guy-ish")
Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above. Definition of word above.

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